What are the biggest ironies in India?

February 19, 2017

These are a few things you can think of the moment you think of ironies in India
  1. Kissing in public is seen as a great offense to culture and tradition. (I agree to this). Pissing in public is the norm. Come on!
  2. We have to pay taxes and we have huge penalties if not. There are millions who don't pay taxes. Even our tax money goes to the pockets of the corrupt. What is left goes to buy the votes of the poor as freebies. The poor man gets TV, grinder, and whatnot and the cost of electricity are increased too. You don't rob Peter to pay Paul.
  3. Corrupt politicians talk about justice and roam free and proud even after being exposed by scams. Whatever they do, there are people who continue to worship them. How many politicians convicted (and proved) of scams are currently out?
  4. Liberty of the press is seen when they talk about the personal lives of celebrities and not when talking about the shortcomings of the government. When media is owned by politicians or business powers, things are filtered. How many political parties own channels?
  5. The craze for engineering. People want their kid to do an engineering degree no matter what the kid wishes. Now it is engineering-MBA combo. How many engineers are working as peons and other jobs?
  6. Selling votes to political parties. ‘Votes for money’ is a reality in this country even today.
  7. British people treated us as slaves and oppressed us yet we are obsessed with copying them. We forgot our roots. We stopped using charcoal, neem, and cloves for brushing teeth. Our toothpaste has the same. Our own products are patented by other countries and sold back to us at high prices
  8. People raising awareness to several causes are ironies themselves. Corrupt politicians talk about anti-corruption, playboy actors talk about chastity, vain actresses talk about self-respect … (I’m holding back here)
  9. Religion, politicians, actors, states divide us. Terrorism and natural disasters unite us
  10. Look both ways to cross a one-way road, We park at a no-parking and do similar things and so many other traffic related ironies.
Venkat Raman

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