What can you teach me that can be useful in my life?

February 22, 2017

     I meet a person in Malaysian airport during my transit time. He shared the very interesting lesson. 

I asked to him, "What can you teach me that can be useful in my life?"

When in pain, your career won't take care of you.

Spare some time for family and friends.

I'm only just an intern now and the only thing I do at home is sleep. 

I spend the entire day at the office and my mind just stops working when I'm home. 

I eat and go to bed. It's been long since I had a good chat with my parents and brother.

I didn't realize my mother was alone at home all day (dads not in town).

I didn't know my neighbors had changed.

I didn't know that the stray dog that always kept barking had died.

I barely kept track of dates I forgot to wish my friends and cousins on their birthdays.

I didn't know my friend got married until I saw her post on Facebook.

I couldn't recognize my friend's voice on the phone because we talked after six years. 

I didn't take care of myself and ended up falling sick so very often. 

I don't still know a lot of things. But I know I have to.

 My career is only a part of life, it isn't my life.

- Knowledge is Sharing is Caring

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