What special in Korea for Valentine's Day?

February 13, 2017

Valentine's Day on February 14 celebrates love and affection between intimate companions. The 14th of every month marks a holiday in South Korea, and February kicks off the love days in South Korea. Some dread them while others look forward to showering their significant other with affection.
Nonetheless, South Korea makes sure to recognize both coupled and single people with specific holidays.
Valentine’s Day
February 14 is an unavoidable day across the world. Convenience stores add to the hoopla with displays full of various types of chocolate treats. These range from Ferrero Rocher to Hershey’s.
Valentine’s Day is generally celebrated by most people since anyone can be a valentine, but in South Korea, it is a bit different. The special day is a couples’ holiday.
Women take on the responsibility of searching for the perfect gift for their special person. Women gift men with chocolates and sometimes jewelry.

White Day

Originating from Japan, White Day began as the marketing strategy for a confectionery company to sell white marshmallows as gifts. The Japanese National Confectionery Association thought it was a novel idea for revenue and deemed March 14 “White Day.”
White Day was introduced to South Korea in the 1980’s. It has become a great part of Korean culture. Men give three times more than received in the form of white chocolates, candies, and flowers to their leading ladies.
This couple holiday is not limited to couples. Platonic friends can participate as well. Ladies may have felt the pressure of Valentine’s Day, but men do go the extra mile to reciprocate.

Black Day

For those who endured the torment of Valentine’s Day and White Day, now is the time to celebrate. On April 14, singles eat black-bean noodles (jjajangmyun) to mourn their nonexistent love lives or celebrate being single.
Traditionally, singles dress in all black to celebrate the day. Eating black-bean noodles with other singles seems like depressing nonsense, but misery does love company.
All jokes aside, Black Day can be an opportunity for singles to celebrate greatness. 

Love is in the air for everyone. Show your appreciation for your significant other and yourself every day.

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