Easy Ways To Create Good Vibes In Your Home

September 11, 2017

Everything is energy. That’s a very abstract statement, I know. When you’re really feeling stuck or challenged in life, the idea of “changing your energy" can seem impossible and out of reach.

But it can actually be really easy to change the energy around you and create an amazing platform for the money, love, health, creativity, or peace that you desire.
When I learned about Chi, the name was given to life force, my understanding of energy became much more concrete.
Chi is essentially energy, but it's experienced through the senses. Color, form, sound, touch, temperature, and scent all are felt as Chi.
You don’t need to turn your home upside down to welcome in the Chi. By making the space around you look and feel more like you at your best, you'll add harmony, beauty, order, and clarity to your surroundings.
Here are nine ways to direct some Chi into your space and keep the positive vibes flowing throughout your home:
1. Clear the air.
Open your windows and let the circulation flow. If you live in a polluted area, grab an air purifier or plug in a glowing Himalayan salt lamp to get the air around you buzzing with happiness. The air is infused with negative ions after a rainstorm, so it feels extra fresh. Salt lamps send these negative ions into the air, creating a positive space.
2. Deep clean.
Chances are that if you're feeling heavy or stuck, it shows in the nooks and crannies of your home. Where there's dirt and dust, there’s stagnation. Stagnation is what happens when energy flow gets blocked. Acupuncture eliminates stagnation within your body, restoring optimal flow and balance. Cleaning does the same for your home.
3. Add color.
Every color brings a different energy to a space. Yellows usually add radiance, greens spur growth and flexibility, reds welcome prosperity, and oranges bring warmth and cheer. While there are so many meanings to color, the best color therapists I’ve met have all said the same thing: Start with your favorite colors and keep them on display.
4. Banish bad memories.
Photos associated with painful times, outfits from parts of your life you don’t want to dwell on, furniture that you have no use for gifted from friends and family … all of it can be donated if it’s not serving you. Marie Kondo’s groundbreaking book, The Life-Changing Art Of Tidying Up, suggests you shouldn’t live with anything that doesn’t spark joy when touched. I love this philosophy — the practice can help you pare down your belongings to only the things that you absolutely love!
5. Put up some art.
If a piece of art moves your spirit, it should go on a wall. Any wall. Feng shui is all about feeling connected to your space, so anything visual that resonates with you is a perfect addition.
6. Pamper pets.
When your animal family is happy, your home springs to life. Long walks in nature, new toys, and fresh-baked treats— all of these make a pet's life extra-radiant!
7. Add soft materials.
The modern world has enough hard edges. Studies show that touching soft objects increases our sense of comfort and security. Don't be afraid to add a blanket here and there, or soft pillows and shag carpeting underfoot — it'll refresh your home and add more bliss to your routine.
8. Turn on music.
So simple, yet very few people I know play music in the background of their home during a typical day. Music has therapeutic qualities and has been shown to increase self-esteem and foster healthy relationships.
9. Get creative.
Make things. An art practice will help you to heal and balance and spark change in your life. It doesn't have to be a “serious” or “significant” hobby. Doodling, finger-painting, or getting into your favorite childhood crafts totally counts.

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