How to choose right food for Season

April 23, 2017

Select right food for a right Season. Because it’s very digestion for all people. Avoid curd, Spinach food in the night time. Especially don’t eat curd in the night time, digestion time will more.

In the summer season, selected easy to digested food.

ü  Coconut waterü  Watermelonü  Curd/ yoghurtü  Cucumberü  Mintü  Green Veggiesü  Onionsü  Melons

In the winter season, you feel Hungry in all time. So take food which has taken more time digestion.

ü  Dried fruits and nuts Pepperü  Fenugreek and Hingü  Tulsi and gingerü  Root vegetables and leafy greensü  Whole grain cereals and pulsesü  Ghee

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