Life is meaningless?

April 04, 2017

Life is totally meaningless. We live. We die. So what's the point?

The moment you start feeling life is meaningless, it means that you have lost all contact with existence.You have become old.Maybe not physically but psychologically old.The joy, the love, the celebration of youth is gone.Now only death remains.

Have you ever heard a little child say ‘Life is meaningless’?or have you tried asking a child questions like ‘what is the meaning of life?’,’What is the point?’

He will simply look at you like you are cool and continue with his play.For child life play. In his innocence, every moment is a celebration.They feel no boredom.

But as we grow something strange happens.We lose our innocence.The voices of society start taking over. It programs you, represses you in many different ways. It fills your being with ideas like You have to be serious, that is the sign of matured person.Life is a serious affair.Life is a race etc.

Now if you give into these ideas, You lose your precious innocence.With the innocence disappears your joy, with the innocence disappears all celebration, with the innocence disappears love.With innocence disappears your individuality.Now everything meaningful has disappeared.Life feels futile,’utterly meaningless’.

In addition to this, there are these ‘scientists’ which has reduced humanity to mere biological creatures, with no meaning except to born, reproduce and die someday.What meaning can life have then?

Then there are these pseudo-religions teaching you that life here is insignificant.Renounce it and you will book your position in the ‘Kingdom of God’.You will be awarded there.

I am telling you, stop looking for the meaning of life and simply live it.For when you are fully flowing in life these questions simply disappear or will seem insignificant.Now you are an outsider looking at life and asking ‘why are you here’?,’What is your purpose?’.Get back into your life.

Look back from where you started giving into the society and started losing all respect for yourself.Become a child again.Reclaim your innocence.These religions, society and their ideals had done enough harm. It is time you put an end to this!

Celebrate life.What other meaning need there be?Simply rejoice.Existence has gifted you with this opportunity to live, to love, to celebrate.The sun rises, the birds rejoice.The rain comes and a peacock starts dancing.There need not be a reason.They simply do it for the sheer joy of it.Look around you there is so much magic, beauty.Existence is full of beauty.Look at it, participate in it, get back in contact with existence, your life.

Then you will see every moment is a celebration, Every moment is an experience to be lived, to be loved and then meaning will come of its own accord.

In short-'Stop thinking about the meaning of life and start living it, for there is no other way you can find it.’

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