How do I become more self-disciplined and avoid procrastinating?

March 23, 2017

  1. The pomo Doro app. It breaks up study time into 25 minute chunks with 5-minute breaks. I swear by it.
    Try here:
  2. The self-control app. It blocks every distracting site on your computer for a designated amount of time.
    Try here:
  3. A to-do list. How cliche of me, right? But it truly helps. The mere action of writing something down and checking it off will hold you accountable.
  4. Attractive stationary. You like pretty things. Who doesn’t? Maybe this will give you some incentive. And there is also a study that writing with colorful pens will trigger your long term memory.
  5. Get yourself out of the house! Sorry, was that a bit brazen? Let’s try again. Getting out of the house will make you way more productive. I like to work in the library and give someone else a clear view of my computer. That way, if I procrastinate, others can see it. And you don’t want the whole world seeing you scroll through Instagram for an hour, right?
  6. A study in groups. Teaching something to somebody really commits it to memory. I used to partner with the smartest kids in class, but lately, I’ve started helping those who don’t understand the material.
  7. Remind yourself why you’re doing it. I had a period of time in my life when I had no motivation to excel academically. I had to remind myself of my goals and why they were important. You can motivate yourself with good grades or with the thought of attending your dream school.
  8. Reward yourself for your success. It doesn’t have to be huge. It definitely doesn’t have to be food. I usually reward myself by having a dance-off with my younger sister.


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