Travelling alone will build your confidence

January 21, 2018

I wrote this post last year when I returned from a one week trip across the country (JEJU ISLAND).
I still believe everything I wrote.
Some of the perks of traveling alone include:
·         Doing whatever you want.
·         Eating whenever you want.
·         Being able to pause.
If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly consumed with other people having a good time. When I’m traveling with someone, I’ll sacrifice what I want to do to keep them happy.
For me, solo travel means confidence.

 I mean, I know that this sounds selfish, but I’m 26 and I need to be a little selfish before I get married and spend the rest of my life with someone. I’ve learned so much about myself even after one week, which is why you need to do a road trip (Udo Island) all alone.
A person who loves solo travel is seen as a free spirit. A true nomad who’s broken free from the shackles of society and dared to march to the beat of their own drum. The solo traveler doesn’t need another’s reassurance, they make big bold decisions every single day. They are the ones with wild fire in their eyes, who trek miles to soak up the perfect sunset. They make switching countries look as easy as changing their pants. They live life, every single second of every single day, for themselves. In a society that encourages conformity, this makes them uninhibited soul warriors.
You’ll never hear a solo traveler tell you anything but how wonderful, life-changing and liberating it is to travel alone. It’s all true, you’ll learn your biggest lessons in love, life and the beautiful planet we share. You’ll change as a person and your very core will be strengthened. You’ll never depend on another, you will be the true master of your own destiny. Meeting new people will become a daily occurrence and that will quickly teach you never to settle for less. You will establish your tribe, a mixture of old friends and new. Initially, you’ll let all kinds of weird and wonderful people into your life but you’ll quickly learn to be discerning about who sticks around.
This magic starts to evolve from day one, the moment you take your first flight, bus journey or boat to a faraway land alone. Each and every day you navigate the globe as a solo wanderer you’ll learn so much, not only about others but about yourself too.
The kindness of strangers will open up a part of your heart that you had no idea existed. As a solo traveler, you’ll experience the very best the world has to offer. Any stereotypes or tales of whole cultures or lands being dangerous will dissolve as you learn the truth. But your love life, well I’m sorry to break it to you, but solo travel will throw a huge anti-cupid grenade right onto that. Boom! You will forever be updateable to those average guys and girls.
Loneliness Is Good For You
You need to feel that loneliness, because only then will you be able to face any inner demons that you might have. A twelve-hour drive kind of forces you to think. It’s just you and the road.
Trust me, when I was out in the middle of udo, navigating my way through the beautiful countryside, I had time to think. I had time to appreciate the little things, too, like talking to a gas station attendant after seeing nobody for days.
 Just do the damn thing.
Udo Island Entrance 
You’ll Face Problems, But That Doesn’t Mean Your Trip Isn’t Worth It.
Spend time traveling by yourself.
Make your own decisions, listen to your heart, and start to be spontaneous. Allow yourself to get lost. Gain a new perspective.
The solo road trip is all about you, but it’s not always about being alone. It’s about making your own decisions and asking yourself why you made those decisions. You’re just learning.
You are in control. The road does its best to throw you off track by introducing obstacles and problems along the way, but if you’re dedicated to it then you’ll make it to your destination one way or another.
I think if you’re traveling with someone else you’ll get these lessons, but just not as potent of a dose. You have someone to lean on if you run into problems out there, but when you’re alone it’s just you.
That’s why you need to do it. Don’t ask any questions; get in your car and go. You’ll be surprised at what happens. You’ll rediscover what it means to be alive. You’ll crush any obstacles that stand in your way, and when you get back you’ll be forever changed.
That’s why you need to travel alone.

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