Petrol Engine Car vs Diesel Engine car
December 28, 2017- They burn less fuel than a petrol engine to do the same amount of work.
- They can convert over 45% of the fuel energy into mechanical energy, while petrol engines can only convert 30%. This results in a better mileage.
- They have high reliability and easy adaptation to damp environments due to the absence of a high voltage electrical ignition system.
- They do not have coils, spark plug wires, etc. The radio frequency emissions from these can interfere with navigation and communication equipment.
- The life of a diesel engine is generally about twice as long as that of a petrol engine.
- The parts used to create a diesel engine have increased strength.
- Diesel fuel has better lubrication properties than petrol.
- Diesel fuel is considered safer than petrol in many applications.
- Diesel fuel is less flammable than petrol and has reduced the risk of exploding.
- Diesel engines are immune to vapor lock, as diesel fuel does not release a large amount of flammable vapor.
- Diesel engines generate less waste heat in cooling and exhaust.
- Diesel engines can accept super- or turbo-charging pressure without any natural limit. Petrol engines inevitably suffer detonation at higher pressure.
- Diesel engines’ exhaust contains minimal carbon monoxide.
- Many diesel engines can easily run on biodiesel.