Just think Different

July 25, 2017

I once heard a story of an engineer in a car manufacturing company who designed a world class car.
The owner was impressed with the outcome and praised him a lot.
Trying to bring out the car from the manufacturing area to the office, they realised that the car was few inches taller than the entrance.
The engineer felt bad he didn't notice that before assembling the car, while the owner was amazed at how the car would be taken outside of the manufacturing plant.
The painter said they can force out the car and he’ll do the tinkering on any parts of the car that get scratched.
The engineer suggested that they can break the entrance and after taking the car out, they can cement it up.
The owner wasn’t convinced with any of the ideas and felt like it wasn’t cool to either break the walls or scratch the car.
While the watchman was calmly watching all the drama, he slowly approached the owner to offer an idea if they would listen.
They all wondered what this watchman had to tell them that the experts could not give.
And the watchman said: “The car is only a few inches taller than the entrance so if they release some air from the tyres, the height of the car will be adjusted and can be easily taken out.”
Hear every one voice !!! so many suggestions make one good decision!!! 

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